pwSafe 11.0 will bring Password AutoFill to macOS. Similar to iOS, this allows you to select an entry from your safe without leaving Safari.
Enabling Password AutoFill
To enable Password AutoFill, two settings need to be enabled
- The AutoFill Service in pwSafe
- AutoFill in macOS System Settings
To make these changes, select "Password AutoFill..." from the pwSafe menu, or use the ⌥⌘A keyboard shortcut. This opens the Password AutoFill Status dialog.
Use the provided buttons to enable both settings. The "Manage" button opens macOS System Settings where you need to enable pwSafe manually (screenshot below).
AutoFill Service
The AutoFill Service is a background service required by AutoFill. This service will be available even when the pwSafe app is not started to allow AutoFill while pwSafe is closed. The service shows a visual indicator in the menubar of its presence:
macOS Password AutoFill
The "Manage" button opens your Mac's System Settings, enable pwSafe as shown here
In case the "Manage" button is unable to open your Mac's System Settings, please open it manually and select General -> AutoFill & Passwords
Using Password AutoFill
After enabling Password AutoFill, launch the Safari browser. When a website requires you to login just select "pwSafe..." from the dropdown, unlock your safe and select the desired entry.
Your safe will be kept unlocked until you logout. If you want to lock your safe earlier, you can do so by right-clicking on your safe and selecting "Lock".
As with other features that have been introduced, Password AutoFill will have some limitations when first introduced. During the 11.x updates these limitations will gradually be lifted.
- iCloud safes only
- Only username and password are auto-filled (not one-time password)
- No support for Touch ID
- No support for YubiKey
- Safes unlocked in the main pwSafe app are not automatically unlocked in the Password AutoFill.
We are really interested in your feedback, which of these limitations would be most valuable to you to be addressed first? Please leave your comments below.
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